Efficient finance for the energy transition

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Crux is the ecosystem for
tax credit buyers
banks, syndicators, and advisors
to transact and manage transferable tax credits

The ecosystem for developers, tax credit buyers, and financial institutions to transact & manage transferable tax credits.

Crux’s network & tools will help you:

Streamline transactions

Simplify price discovery, diligence, syndication, and contracting

Access a growing market

Connect to new counterparties in our network of developers, tax credit buyers, banks, and syndicators

Reduce risk & increase trust

Manage compliance & reporting with our built-in tools & network of regulatory experts

For developers
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Maximize the value of your tax credits

  • Manage bid collection from existing & new buyers in one place
  • Tap into a network of new tax credit buyers to get the best price for your credits
  • Streamline transactions with diligence management, contract templates, platform integrations, and post-sale reporting workflows
A solar panel and windmill in a mountainside settingA solar panelA solar flare
For tax credit buyers
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Manage your tax liability and achieve your sustainability goals

  • Discover credits from projects and developers in our network 
  • Manage risks through diligence tools, our advisory partner network, and insurance options
  • Access all credit information in one place and minimize administrative overhead
Solar panels in front of a hydrogen plantA hydrogen plantCarbon
For banks, syndicators, & advisors
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Scale tax credit syndication efficiently and profitably

  • Use purpose-built workflows to manage transactions and syndication 
  • Connect developers and tax credit buyers in your branded portal
  • Reach new tax credit buyers and developers to maximize revenue
  • Unlock blended tax equity & transferability structures and other innovative offerings
A field on a sunny daywindmills generating energyWindmills in a field
Insights and news
Introducing the Cruxtimate
Transferable Tax Credit Essentials
September 12, 2024
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Crux is launching the Cruxtimate, projected market prices for clean energy tax credits. The Cruxtimate is derived from a model that takes into account a dozen factors that influence tax credit pricing. 

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The guide to 45X tax credits for manufacturers
Transferable Tax Credit Essentials
September 5, 2024
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45X advanced manufacturing tax credits are a valuable new incentive for domestic clean energy manufacturers. Learn how to make the most of these incentives through the transferable tax credit market. 

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Ten milestones on the two year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act
Market News & Insights
August 16, 2024
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Two years ago, the IRA was signed into law. It kicked off a wave of new investment in clean energy and domestic manufacturing supply chains. We highlight ten important milestones that the clean energy sector has achieved since the passage of the law. 

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Backed by developers who generate billions of dollars of credits & the best financial investors:
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